There is a new social network in town. But not just any social network, a niche social network. And their niche is birthdays. Here’s another fact. The owner is Nigerian born but South African resident Kanayo Okwuraiwe.
So what exactly is this niche social network of his called? And what’s it about? We asked him.
Hear him…
The social network is called Birthday Mates, and the website is Birthday Mates is essentially a “birthday networking” site, just in the same way that LinkedIn is a “professional networking” site.
What we essentially do is group people who share a common birthday—usually with 1 – 2 weeks of each other, give them an opportunity to have joint or group birthday celebrations (those in the same Geo location,) allow them exchange gifts with each other, as well as receive gifts from family and friends, create crowd funding campaigns for birthday gifts and other birthday related projects, and more.
What makes our network unique is simply the niche we are in. Everyone on earth has a birthday, and the vast majority of these people mark this day in one way or another. Even if not in a celebratory way, but at the very least with a reflection and acknowledgement that they have lived another year on earth, and it is something to be grateful for. and all other ‘birthday mates’ of yours all over the world simply want to join you in that gratitude. In other words, we want to add value, in whatever way we can, to your birthday.
And why do we think we can be a bigger site than the likes of Twitter and Instagram and co? For the exact reason I just mentioned. The fact that our target audience is everyone on planet earth. Or at least everyone with an internet connected device. So we are talking several billions.
You see, unlike other social networks, or other niche social networks, ours is a universal niche which applies to everyone. As you will know, some people prefer being on Twitter, and some people prefer Facebook. Others on Instagram, and so on.
So in that sense, people won’t have to “prefer” Birthday Mates over their preferred social network. And we are also not trying to “steal” anyone away from another social network. People can simply register on our site, get matched with their birthday mates, and they can decide to never visit the site again.
Not until their birthday comes around, and we get in touch asking them if they are interested in spending their birthday with maybe 5 or 10 other people who share the same birthday (inviting whoever else they like.) Or ask the celebrant what gift he or she would like to receive on their birthday, perhaps courtesy of our sponsors, or perhaps even the celebrants’ family members, or any other fun thing we can do to make the person’s birthday a memorable one. That is what our site is all about.
So head on over to Birthday Mates now and sign up.
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